Long Time Coming
It's funny how things can change in your life so fast. It's been a while since I last wrote a blog. This is due to my wife and I having our first child in March.
We have been busy being parents for the first time. He is our world. I love spending every part of my free time with him and watch him grow. Also, with our son being born, I've not managed to go out with my camera.
I turned 33 last month, and its a long time coming. Life changes when you have a baby. You don't have a chance to think about yourself anymore. Its all about them. I like to go running and I have had to manage my running too.
My wife and I are a team. We got into the relationship and knew what we wanted. We wanted to do it in the right order. Get together, get engaged, buy a house, get married and have a child. People do things in the order they like, and I totally understand.
Tomorrow is another day. Start each day being nice to each other and end the day the same. Cuddle as much as possible, tell your loved ones that you love them. Enjoy love with them. Don't have regrets.
At the time of writing, we are in the middle of a heat wave. Boy, is it hot?! The fan is on, the windows are open, the shorts are on. Still hot.
I'm hoping to be able to get out more, however, it does depend on the little guy. Next month, I will be travelling to Scotland, so hopefully I can get some pictures taken.
Anyway, I will leave it as it is at the moment, I will try and update the site with some pictures that I have taken too.
Any questions, fire away. As I said, go and enjoy yourself. Move from the TV, laptop, Phone etc and get some fresh air.